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Thank You, President Ford
Happy President's Day!

 History tells us that Presidents' Day started out as Washington's Birthday and has since evolved to the 3rd Monday in February and no President actually has a birthday on this day. We just celebrate them all.🤷🏻‍♀️🤪🤣 OooooohhhhK.🧐🤣

Let's Talk About Gerald Ford.
  • If you had to think of what he is known for, you might have to Google it. I am a History minor (not because I'm good at memorization, but because I like to know where we came from to know where we are going) and I'm struggling to recall significant contributions that he had.

    BUT! Guess what we can thank this man for? (There are so many people to thank. He was the final decision point!)

    President Ford signed into law the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. This allowed women to obtain credit without a man's signature. 💥

    😱It is less than 50 years, that women have been able to utilize credit by themselves. 

    Talk about mind boggling!! 

    For me personally, I had ~10 years where I was building credit solo. My financial journey would be very different if I had to find a male to co-sign with me anytime I wanted to buy a car, move apartments, open a line of credit, or buy a house. 

    So, thank you President Ford!

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